BLM is committed to generating environmental, social, and economic benefits by promoting healthier, more sustainable, and resilient buildings capable of withstanding extreme natural events.
To achieve this, our technical team collaborates from the outset with contracted professionals to develop the planning, design, construction, and operation of buildings. This process is based on optimizing the use of resources such as energy, water, and materials, improving indoor environmental quality, and minimizing negative impacts on the surrounding environment.
We work to understand and evaluate the environmental and social impact of the assets in which we invest on behalf of our clients. We collaborate with external suppliers and industry experts to review, analyze, and validate key information that enables us to make well-informed decisions on valuation and investment.
We have implemented a combined methodology that includes precise processes and specialized teams capable of identifying critical risks, adverse sustainability impacts, and opportunities in environmental and social areas that could influence the long-term performance of each asset.
Our primary objective is to build a portfolio of assets that can withstand the challenges of climate change while optimizing resource efficiency and minimizing environmental impact.
To achieve this goal, we follow rigorous environmental due diligence procedures, allowing us to gain an in-depth understanding of the environmental risks associated with any potential acquisition, as well as to identify opportunities to enhance the environmental performance of operating assets.
BLM identifies and addresses potential adverse environmental impacts of its investments by implementing action plans focused on key indicators such as energy efficiency, the use of sustainable raw materials, biodiversity preservation, among others.
Furthermore, we manage and reduce the corporate environmental footprint by actively participating in responsible and environmentally respectful initiatives.